Belt scale with SysTec weighing terminals for soil recycling
W&M approved weighing electronics: robust and efficient
Boskalis Environmental specializes in the large-scale cleaning of contaminated soil and mineral waste. The result of this process is re-usable material for infrastructure projects, such as road construction. In Alkmaar, the Netherlands, Boskalis has installed a soil washing plant with a belt scale designed by DOSCO. The scale is operated with the robust W&M approved IT3 weighing terminals from SysTec.
The key facts
- W&M approved belt scale for soil weighing
- Via PROFINET, the SysTec weighing terminal is connected to a PLC system that controls the scale
- After soil cleaning, up to 90% of the previously contaminated soil can be used again
- In total, Boskalis cleans between 500,000 and 600,000 tons of contaminated material annually
- SysTec IT3: digital weighing terminals for legalfor-trade weight recording and weight display
- Belt scale construction by DOSCO
Customer benefits: weighing system
- Precise accounting of the weighed soil quantities by means of the W&M approved belt scale
- The plant in Alkmaar has a mobile design - it can be dismantled, transported and reassembled at another location with little effort. This is environmentally friendly, economical and offers flexibility.
- Easy integration of the weighing terminal in the system via interfaces for fieldbus systems
- Robust and durable SysTec weighing terminals for outdoor use (IP 69K) - excellent price/performance ratio
- Bright 5“ weight display of the IT3 weighing terminal
Professional soil cleaning

Efficient soil cleaning
Efficient soil cleaning© Photo: Boskalis Environmental
Since the late 1980s, Boskalis Environmental has been cleaning contaminated soil and other mineral wastes. The recycling process consists of extractive cleaning, which separates the coarse from the fine constituents by fractional splitting. The „clean“ fraction of the treated soil, which consists of larger particles such as sand and gravel, can then be reused for sustainability purposes, such as construction projects.
After soil washing, the contamination is concentrated in a smaller portion of the total volume of contaminated soil or sediment (in the fine fraction). This portion can then be more easily disposed of or further treated (e.g., by consolidation or stabilization).
W&M approved weighing and accounting
Precision and economic efficiency are crucial for Boskalis Environmental. Therefore, the incoming soil material is weighed on a legal-for-trade conveyor belt scale designed by the renowned scale manufacturer DOSCO. The W&M approval is a prerequisite for invoicing the customer soil quantity.
The belt scale has a speedometer unit: the signals from the speed sensor and the belt scale are sent to a transmitter. This calculates belt speed, delivery rate and flow rate.
Another special feature: the IT3 weighing terminal is connected via PROFINET to a PLC system that controls the plant.
![[[Translate to "English"]] Johan Dermout, DOSCO [[Translate to "English"]] Johan Dermout, DOSCO](/fileadmin/public/Redaktion/Bilder/Content/Belt-scale-case/Johan-Dermout.jpg)
“For our industrial scales, we use weighing electronics from SysTec. Especially for outdoor use, robust stainless steel weighing terminals are important. The intuitive operation and interface capability are features that we value in SysTec,“ says Johan Dermout, Sales & Project Manager at DOSCO.
“For every belt scale application, SysTec has the right weighing terminal. For example, when a high degree of customization is required, we use a freely programmable IT8000E. The device can be adapted exactly to customer requirements. The SysTec weighing electronics offer us as scale builders a lot of freedom in the choice of load cells, force application and speed transducer,“ adds Johan Dermout.
At a glance - SysTec‘s IT3 weighing controller

- Compact device with very good price/performance ratio
- Smooth operation: excellent usability, bright 5“ color screen for weight display, operator dialogs and calibration
- W&M approved for use as non-automatic weighing instrument NAWI / AGFI
- Rugged stainless steel housing (ingress protection IT3: IP69K; IT3 Ex2/22: IP65),
- Different housings / designs: for wall-mount/desk-top and panel-mount installation
- Easy integration into PC networks or fieldbus systems
- ATEX: for installation in EXzones the IT3 Ex2/22 version is ideal